Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Create Your Ownwrestler How Do You Capture Wild Yeast To Create Your Own Sourdough Starter?

How do you capture wild yeast to create your own sourdough starter? - create your ownwrestler

I once read how to create your own sourdough starter, by creating a bowl of flour and water during the night and capture the action of wild yeasts in the air as the dew. I have the article. Of course, I do not want to do too much too much bread! Does anyone have any evidence that could help me? Thank you.


Chef J said...

Well ... That used to work for the extraction of gold in San Francisco, because it is a specific kind of yeast in the air around SF.

This is the preferred method for centuries, and the rise of imported beer, baking bread in more than a science, a game of chance.

I do not know how it would now work well. Certainly it would not try to, where I live, I live in a big city and smog do not want my bread, or other unpleasant in the air.

There are natural forms of yeast found in health food stores ... I just want to not trust any of these to their health, the fungal spores that can buy will float at random.

barbara said...

You can not really know what strange type of yeast that you can get and other fungi or bacteria that will make your bread uncomfortable. Go with the yeast for baking, it will be done a great job.

darcymc said...


MISS-MAR... said...

Nothing in the air will not help. You need yeast, sugar and flour and water. Look it up online. There are several ways to do this. Google years answered. None of the air, but you will waste your time and money.

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